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Ojibwa Text

This is a part of an Ojibwe text in both syllabics and Roman orthography. It was taken from a collection of Anishinaabemowin texts, edited by John Nichols. The author, Patricia M. Ningewance has translated a document discussing the dangers of mercury poisoning in the Lake of the Woods area. The Syllabics were typed using the Ojibwe a-final east-w keyboard, and the Roman orthography uses long double vowels, ‹c› for /ch/, and h+consonant for voiceless sounds, as described on the Ojibwe Syllabics and Anishinaabemowin main pages. The non-pointed syllabics do not mark long vowels, glottal stops /’/, or /h/.

ᒥᑕᑲᒥᑯᓐᒃ ᓂᐱᓐᒃ ᑲᔦ ᐃᔑᓭ ᑭ ᐌᐱᓂᑲᑌᒃ ᐃᐃ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ᙮ ᒣᑾ ᑭ ᐅᔑᒋᑲᑌᒃ ᑫᑯᓐ ᑕᐱᔥᑯ ᑭ ᐱᐗᐱᑯᑫᓇᓂᐗᓐᒃ ᒪᑭᔕ ᑲᔦ ᑭ ᒪᓯᓇᐃᑭᓄᑫᓇᓂᐗᓐᒃ ᐸᑎᓋᔭᒃ ᑫᑯᓇᓐ ᐅᑕᐸᒋᑐᓇᐗ ᐌᒥᒋᑯᔑᐗᒃ ᑭ ᐅᔑᑐᐗᑦ ᑫᑯᓐ᙮ ᐸᑎᐧᓇᔭᒃ ᑎᓄᑲᓇᓐ ᐱᒋᐳᐗᐳᓐ ᐅᑕᐸᒋᑐᓇᐗ᙮ ᓂᐱᐗ ᑕᔥ ᑫᑯᓐ ᐅᐌᐱᓇᓇᐗ ᑭ ᐃᔑᒋᑫᐗᑦ᙮ ᐊᒥ ᑕᔥ ᐃᒪ ᓂᐱᓐᒃ ᒥᑕᑲᒥᑯᓐᒃ ᑲᔦ ᐁᔑ ᐌᐱᓇᒧᐗᑦ ᐊᓄᒋᑯ ᑫᑯᓐ᙮ ᓂᓐᑯᒋ ᐱᑯ ᓂᐧᓴᒃ ᑕᔀᒃ ᒥᓂᑯᒃ ᑎᐸᐱᔥᑯᒋᑲᓐ ᑭ ᐌᐱᓂᑲᑌ ᐃᐃ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ ᑲ ᐃᒋᑲᑌᒃ 1969 ᑭ ᐃᔑᓭᒃ᙮ ᓂᔡᔭᑲᓐ ᐃᑕᔥ ᐃᐃ ᑎᓄᑲᓐ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ᙮ ᐯᔑᒃ ᐃᐃ ᑎᓄᑲᓐ ᓂᑕ ᐊᐸᒋᒋᑲᑌ ᒪᔥᑯᓯᓐᒃ ᒋ ᐅᓐᒋ ᐗᓇᑕᓯᓄᑭᓐ ᐃᓂ ᒪᔥᑯᓯᐗᓐ᙮ ᔕᑯᒡ ᐱᒋᐳᓇᓂᐗᓐ ᑭᔥᐱᓐ ᐊᐎᔭ ᒥᒋᑦ ᐃᓂ ᓂᐧᔕᔭᒃ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳᓐ᙮ ᑲ ᐃᔑ ᓂᔑᑭᓐ ᐱᑯ ᐱᒋᐳᐌᒪᑲᓄᓐ᙮ ᑭᔥᐱᓐ ᑲᐯᔭᐃ ᒥᒋᑦ ᐃᐌ ᓂᑕᒻ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ ᓇᓂᔑᑲᒡ ᐱᑯ ᐊᑯᓯ, ᑭᒧᒡ ᐃᑯ ᐊᑯᓯ᙮ ᓂᑕᒻ ᑭ ᐌᐱᓂᑲᑌᒃ ᐃᐃ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ ᓂᐱᓐᒃ ᑲᐎᓐ ᓂᑕᒻ ᐊᐱᒋ ᓇᓂᓴᓀᓐᑕᑯᓯᓄᓐ᙮ ᐸᒪ ᑕᔥ ᑭᑯᔭᒃ ᑭ ᒥᒋᐗᑦ ᐃᐃ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ, ᐊᒥ ᐃᒪ ᑭᑯᔨᓐᒃ ᐁᔑ ᐊᓂ ᒪᔥᑲᐗᒃ ᐃᐌ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ᙮ ᐊᒥ ᐃᒪ ᑭ ᑭᓂᑲᐎᔥᑲᐊᑲᒃ ᐱᓐᒋ ᑭᑯᔨᓐᒃ ᐁᔑ ᐊᓂ ᓇᓂᓴᓇᑕᒃ ᐃᐃ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ ᓇᐗᒡ ᐁ ᓱᓐᑲᒃ ᒋ ᓂᔑᐌᒪᑲᒃ᙮ ᐱᓂᔥ ᑕᔥ ᑭᔥᐱᓐ ᐊᓂᔑᓇᐯ ᐊᒶᑎᓐ ᐃᓂ ᑭᑯᔭᓐ, ᐊᒥ ᑫᐎᓐ ᐁᔑ ᐊᓂ ᒪᐗᒋᑐᑦ ᐃᒪ ᐎᔭᐎᓐᒃ᙮ ᑲᐎᓐ ᑲᔦ ᑫᑯᓐ ᐊᐳᑯᓯᓄᓐ ᐃᐌ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ᙮ ᑲᐎᓐ ᑭᑫᓐᒋᑲᑌᓯᓄᓐ ᑭᔥᐱᓐ ᑭᑯᔨᓐᒃ ᐁᑌᑴᓐ ᐃᐌ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ᙮ ᑭᔥᐱᓐ ᑕᔥ ᑲᐯᔭᐃ ᐊᒶᑲᓂᐎᑦ ᐊᐊ ᑲ ᐱᒋᐳᐎᑦ ᑭᑯᔾ ᐊᒥ ᐱᓂᔥ ᐁᔑ ᐊᓂ ᐸᑎᓇᑕᒃ ᐃᐃ ᐱᒋᐳᐎᓐ, ᐃᐃ ᔓᓂᔭᐗᐳ, ᐊᒪ ᐎᔭᐎᒪᓐᒃ, ᐃᒪ ᑲᔦ ᐎᔭᐎᒪᓐᒃ, ᒣᒥᓐᑕᑫ ᐱᑯ ᐅᑌᐃᒪᓐᒃ, ᐅᓇᑭᔑᒪᓐᒃ, ᐅᑯᓂᒪᓐᒃ, ᐅᑌᑎᑯᓯᐎᒪᓐᒃ, ᐎᓂᓐᑎᐱᒪᓐᒃ ᐃᑕᔥ ᑲᔦ᙮ ᑲᐎᓐ ᐊᐱᒋ ᑾᔭᒃ ᑭᑫᓐᒋᑲᑌᓯᓄᓐ ᑭᔥᐱᓐ ᐁᑕ ᐅᑌᑎᑯᓯᐎᒪ, ᔑᑭᐎᓐ ᐃᑕᔥ ᑲᔦ, ᐊᓐᑐ ᑭᑯᓐᒋᑲᑌᒃ᙮ ᑭᔥᐱᓐ ᑕᔥ ᐎᓐ ᐅᑯᓐ ᐎᓂᓯᓯᒪ, ᔭᐃ ᑕᔥ ᒥᔅᑴ ᐊᓐᑐ ᑭᑯᓐᒋᑲᑌᒃ, ᓇᐗᒡ ᐸᐯᓇᒃ ᐃᔑᓭᒪᑲᓐ ᑫᑯᓐ ᒋ ᒥᑭᑲᑌᑭᐸᓐ᙮


Mihtahkamikonk nipiink kaye ishihse kii-wepinikaatek i’i shooniyaawaapo. Mekwaa kii-oshihcikaatek kekoon taapishkoo kii-piiwaapihkohkenaaniwank maakishaa kaye kii-masina’iikinohkenaaniwank paahtiinwayak kekoonan otaapacihtoonaawaa wemihcikooshiwak kii-oshihtoowaat kekoon. Paahtiinwayak tinoohkaanan pihcipoowaapoon otaapacihtoonaawaa. Niipiwa tahsh kekoon owepinaanaawaa kii-ishihcikewaat. Amii tahsh imaa nipiink mihtahkamikonk kaye eshi-wepinamowaat aanooc iko kekoon. Ninkoci piko nihswaahk tahswaahk minikohk tipaapiishkoocikan kii-wepinikaate i’i shooniyaawaapo kaa-icikaatek 1969 kii-ishihsek. Niishwayakan itahsh i’i tinoohkaan shooniyaawaapo. Peshik i’i tinoohkaan nihtaa-aapacihcikaate mashkohsiink ci-onci-wanaatahsinohkin ini mashkohsiwan. Shaakooc pihciponaaniwan kiishpin awiya miicit ini niishwayak shooniyaawaapoon. Kaa-ishi-niishikin piko pihcipowemakanoon. Kiishpin kapeya’ii miicit iwe nihtam kii-wepinikaatek i’i shooniyaawaapo nipiink kaawiin nihtam aahpici naniisaanentaakohsinoon. Paamaa tahsh kiikooyak kii-miiciwaat i’i shooniyaawaapo, amii imaa kiikooyink eshi-ani-mashkawaak iwe shooniyaawaapo. Amii imaa kii-kinikawishkaamakahk piinci-kiikooyink eshi-ani-naniisaanatahk i’i shooniyaawaapo nawac e-soonkahk ci-nihshiwemakahk. Piinihsh tahsh kiishpin anihshinaape amwaatin ini kiikooyan, amii kewiin eshi-ani-maawacihtoot imaa wiiyawink. Kaawiin kaye kekoon ahpokohsinoon iwe shooniyaawaapo. Kaawiin kihkencikaatehsinoon kiishpin kiikooyink ehtekwen iwe shooniyaawaapo. Kiishpin tahsh kapeya’ii amwaakaniwit a’a kaa-pihcipoowit kiikooy amii piinihsh eshi-ani-paahtiinatahk i’i pihcipowin, i’i shooniyaawaapo, imaa wiiyawimaank, imaa kaye wiiyawimaank, memintake piko ote’imaank, onakishiimaank, ohkonimaank, otehtihkohsiwimaank, wiinintipimaank itahsh kaye. Kaawiin aahpici kwayahk kihkencikaatehsinoon kiishpin ehta otehtihkohsiwimaa, shikiwin itahsh kaye, anto-kihkencikaatek. Kiishpin tahsh wiin ohkon wiinisihsimaa, ya’ii tahsh miskwi anto-kihkencikaatek, nawac papenak ishihsemakan kekoon ci-mihkikaatekipan.


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Last Update: August 21, 2008