Please note that Moose Cree syllabic characters with the y-final ring have not been assigned Unicode numbers. Consequently, this dialect of Cree most likely will not be properly written using a standard Syllabics Unicode font. I have assigned this ring-final to a combining diacritic which may not position properly using fonts.

There may be a problem on Macs in Cocoa applications for the following syllabics:

Eastern and Central Cree

?? ??
?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ??

Western Cree

?? ??
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ??

The issue is that after typing in any of these characters, e.g. n-w-i, the next keystroke will produce a character before instead of after the syllabic.

Thus: “n-w-i-k-a” shows up as:

  • Western Cree: ???? instead of the correct result ???
  • Central Cree: ???? instead of the correct result ???
  • Eastern Cree: ???? instead of the correct result ???

Furthermore, hitting return will cause any of the above syllabics to disapepar.

To get around this, whenever typing any of these, hit the space bar after the problem syllabic appears on screen, then backspace. Thus, Western ??? is typed n-w-i-space-backspace-k-a, Eastern ??? is typed n-w-i-space-backspace-k-a.

The source of this problem may be twofold

  1. Each of the problem characters should have its own Unicode index, but does not.
  2. The Mac keyboard compiler does not seem to allow two Unicode characters in a terminator.