Keyboard layout for Naskapi

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  • For o-finals: ᒄ ᒽ etc., type the a-final key + grave (top left of keyboard). Thus, the keystrokes for ᒽ are: (m-`). ᒄ has also been mapped the (q) key.
  • The combined characters ᔌ, ᔍ, ᔎ, ᔏ are produced by typing a sequence such as: (s-p-w-a) for ᔌ, (s-t-w-a) for ᔍ, etc. ᔋ can be typed individually with the (z) key.
  • When an /h/ sound comes before a k-series syllabic, the /h/ is written with the middle dot 'ᐧ'. So /hki/ is ᑶ , and /hkwa/ is ᐧᒂ.
  • Naskapi does not write long vowels. Notice that there are two ways of writing the vowels ᐃ and ᐅ (with 'e' or 'i', and 'o' or 'u').
  • There are special glyphs for consonant+/w/+/a/: such as /cwa/ ᒠ, and /nwa/ ᓏ. These are typed (c-w-a) and (n-w-a). The colon diacritic can be typed with the (;) key.
  • Some writers use a half space between preverbs and verb-stems. This half space can be typed by holding down the Shift key, and hitting the space bar.
  • Please see the Naskapi Dictionary site for Bill Jancewicz's keyboard.  It is essentially the same, but there are a few differences.

In the previous notes, the hyphen is used to separate keystrokes.  So (k-a) is "k" followed by "a", not "k", "-", "a".