This example was taken from a story told by Nick Francis called “An Incident at the Sawmill”, which can be found in an article edited by Paul Garvin. I have updated the orthography to comply with the modern standard.

Please note that many characters may not display properly, as they are built up of a base letter plus a modifying diacritic mark (a non-spacing accent). If you are using an up-to-date Unicode font (such as those available here at Languagegeek), and your browser is fully OpenType compatible, the accent placements should be correct.

Huqakiⱡʔitkine· qapsin ya·kiⱡȼikkuȼ̓ⱡaniⱡiⱡke·. K̓o·kunmiyits ⱡaxaxe· k̓uk̓e·titqa·t̓ siⱡnukne· k̓itkinⱡis. Qa·ⱡan qaⱡwiynamne· titqa·t̓ kȼxaⱡʔin k̓itqanaʔqakȼikkuȼ̓ⱡaniⱡe·s. Taxas n̓itkine· qsamunaⱡapne·. To·xa kȼyukyits qakⱡapne·: “Taxas kukⱡo·k”. Huqakiⱡne·: “Qaʔinne· kuko·qaqnawaⱡa·. Ⱡaqawunikitne· taxas kȼyukyit”. Qanta· taxas yukyitne· huⱡaȼ̓inaxaⱡaʔne· kuⱡⱡaⱡaxaxaⱡa· ʔat ya·kiⱡyukyitmumukaʔke·. Taxas hun̓iknaⱡaʔne·. Kuho·ⱡʔiknaⱡa· n̓itxuʔme·k qakⱡapne·: “Huȼqa·nmiⱡq̓umne·ʔne· na·qaskiⱡⱡaxakqate· k̓uk̓e nata·nik̓nana. Hinȼxaⱡⱡahaq̓nukaⱡknapne·”. Taxas q̓umne·ʔne· qaⱡnuqasinuwunikitse·. Taxas hunaq̓nukaⱡkine· huqakiⱡne·: “Taxas ⱡaxakqate·ʔne·”. Taxas ⱡawanxaʔmne· kȼikkuȼ̓ⱡaniⱡmo·ⱡ. Huqakiⱡʔitqanaqanaⱡaʔne· kȼikkuȼ̓ⱡa·niⱡe·ⱡ kqayaqanaⱡat̓iqaȼ̓ kqaⱡsa natanik̓nana. Qakⱡapne·: “Taxas kukⱡo·k”. Huqakiⱡne·: “ʔat qaqaⱡqaqaʔne· niʔs taxta· titqa·t̓ sⱡʔiʔitkin n̓isi·kniʔne·. Huqakiⱡne·: taxas ma·ȼ ⱡa·ʔisiⱡʔitkinin. Taxas huȼxaⱡʔisniⱡq̓a·piⱡʔitkine· saʔn paⱡ kuȼumniyat”. Taxas n̓uk̓niⱡxaⱡqanqaʔne· ʔa·kissaq̓e·s. ʔunaxune·ne·ʔs huya·qa·wiȼkuqno·maⱡke·. Huȼiʔkate· sanqame·k. Huqakiⱡne· kwanxaʔmȼe·t kȼikkuȼ̓ⱡaniⱡmuⱡis xmakaq̓maⱡʔitwusqa· kqo·qaⱡʔitwumⱡaye·ko·s miniȼ kȼaq̓malhakⱡikⱡuks naʔs kaa·kinmaⱡka·miⱡ ksⱡqa·qasnaknaps.

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©2002-2009 Chris Harvey/Languagegeek
Last Modified: 29-Jul-2009