Geek Page: Kanyen’kéha Sewén:ta 8

Ken’ nikará:’a

    1. Akwé:kon onkwahkwénnya yakwarò:roks ne akhwá:tsire.

    2. Enkontinóhare ne konnón:kwe.

    3. E’thò:ne enhatirihstárho ne ronnón:kwe.
    1. Táhnon tókat othé:nen karátsyonh enyakwa’níkhon.

akwé:kon everyone, everything, all
onkwahkwénnya everyone’s and my clohing
yakwarò:roks everyone and I gather it/them
akhwá:tsire my family
enkontinóhare they ♀ will wash it/them
konnón:kwe they ♀ are human beings
e’thò:ne and then
enhatirihstárho they ♂ will iron it/them
ronnón:kwe they ♂ are human beings
othé:nen * anything, something
karátsyonh it has torn, it is torn
enyakwa’níkhon everyone and I will sew it/them

* I looked up “anything, something” in several dictionaries, and got the following results: othé:nen, othé:non, thé:nen. This combined with the spelling we got in class, othén:nen, gives us four distinct spellings. I’m going to go with othé:nen because that’s how we were pronouncing it: listening always trumps reading.

There appears to be some variation between en and e in several words. ahkwénnya’ ~ ahkwéṉya, katerihwayenhstha’ ~ katerihwayehstha’. In these cases, it is important to listen to how people actually pronounce these cases instead of how to spell them.

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